Education Education is the heart of all we do. We strongly believe that all children have the right to...
Child Protection Child Protection Centre Providing a safe, stable, supportive and family-like environment where children are encouraged to develop their...
MOTHER & CHILD PROTECTION Abandoned migrant mothers with accompanying children face many hardships and are particularly vulnerable. For most of these women,...
Borderlands Sewing As well as learning valuable skills and growing their creativity, the sewing program provides the opportunity for young...
Health Care As many Karen and Mon people are not recognised as Thai citizens, they are not eligible for free...
Vocation & LIFE SKILLS As well as language skills and basic education, the children we work with learn essential skills for work,...
Community Outreach Children of the Forest takes a proactive approach to supporting Karen and Mon communities living in remote villages...
Info After decades of armed conflict, repression and economic hardship in Burma, many Karen and Mon families have fled...
Our Supporters & Partners Our work is made possible by the support of our key donors and support network of affiliated NGO...