Vocation & LIFE SKILLS

As well as language skills and basic education, the children we work with learn essential skills for work, everyday life and staying safe.

Practical work skills taught at Children of the Forest that children and youth can potentially use in their future include: farming, sewing, weaving, bicycle and motorcycle  repair.

The Children of the Forest Farming Project offers opportunities for children to learn through practical hands-on experience about environmentally sustainable farming practices. Karen and Mon migrant children often come from traditional farming societies so these activities are also relevant to building self-esteem and pride in their identity.

Children also learn everyday social skills through working and making decisions together, and through taking responsibility for each other and for younger children. Listening, understanding, caring, decision-making and empathy are valuable life skills.

Awareness about potential risks and ways to stay safe  is also important to developing migrant children’s life skills.  Children learn about risks from exploitation in work, and the dangers from people traffickers. These issues are all too real for migrant children living in the Sangkhlaburi border zone.

Youth Workshop on Forming Positive Relationships

Motorcycle Maintenance and Building Friday Afternoon COF Free School

Guitar Workshop

Bicycle Workshop Friday Afternoon COF Free School

Cat Fish Farming